Is Outsourcing Your Medical Billing Right For You?

Posted on January 5th, 2017 / Under Latest News / With No Comments

Many healthcare providers find medical billing, a simple and efficient way to decrease stress and increased revenue. If you have any of the problems below – outsourcing your medical billing may just be the solution to your in-house woes.

Confusing Red Tape

Have you ever found your in-house medical billing service tripping over themselves to understand the increasingly complex rules and regulations surrounding the industry? You aren’t alone. Hundreds of in-house medical billers struggle to keep up to date with the latest regulation. Take the recent update to ICD-10 as an example. Billing DX codes went from around 15 000 to a whopping 70 000. That’s a huge increase in complexity that only trained professionals with years of experience can understand. Incorrect codes can slow payments and decrease your revenue stream. Outsourced medical billing with doesn’t have this problem. Our experts work with multiple clients and take experiences from a multitude of practices, allowing them to have a detailed understanding of the system and its changes.

Loss of Focus

Many clients tell us they spend so much time worrying about collecting revenue that they often forget the most important issue, treating patients. Having to organize in-house medical billing can be a challenge at the best of times. It can take away from the most important part of your businesses focus – the patients and their care. If this sounds like something you struggle with, outsourcing your medical billing could be the solution. Our team of experts takes care of every facet of the billing process, letting you focus on what’s important.

Slow Payments

Billing carriers is a cumbersome process and errors can occur at many points in the process. Do you often find that there are errors in your payment posting that delay cash coming into your business? Many in-house providers are tripped up by the claims system and do not follow up aggressively. This can massively slow down payment time and down the line could result in cash flow issues. An outsourced service solves this. We know the system inside out and are excellent at payment posting. We also aggressively follow up all claims ensuring you get paid as fast as possible. Our one job is to keep your revenue stream flowing and ensure you get paid, as soon as possible. If slow payments are an issue for your business, medical outsourcing might be the solution for you.

Above are a few examples of the issues in-house billers face, and why outsourcing might be the solution that resolves these issues. If these sound like issues you face, contact us now.


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